We help you progress!
Not only do we develop innovative products, we also continuously target the further advancement of our employees. This is the only way our work can remain cutting edge and we can keep up to date with current technology.
Together, all KRIWAN employees ensure excellent processes and products, contributing directly to the satisfaction of our customers and thus securing their jobs.
Targeted advancement
To achieve this, when it comes to personnel development, KRIWAN opts for a mix of various components such as vocational development and training courses, targeted junior employee development and the support of on-the-job qualifications.
Personnel development therefore begins during the training period: Qualified junior employees are trained in-house and then supported continually in their development.
Today, KRIWAN still has many of its "original" employees, who have been at the company for more than 40 years.
Talking to each other
In annual employee reviews, future employee requirements and performance are discussed, as well as personal goals and requests.
This forms the basis for the creation of targeted development measures. The result: Requirement-oriented, targeted vocational development for the benefit of the employee as well as the company.
On-the-job training
Aside from tailor-made training courses and vocational development programs, we also support our employees with on-the-job qualifications – in virtually all corporate areas.
For example, even "genuine" production employees are increasingly being trained as parts makers or skilled warehouse specialists, enabling them to then progress in their specialized area.n.
Do you have questions about a career at KRIWAN? Then please get in touch with us!